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Why I Shaved My Head

Harpreet Singh

As an art student, I believe that I myself am a piece of ever-growing art.

I recently shaved my entire head and the feedback I’ve been getting has been quite amusing. I mean there is absolutely nothing wrong with me or my hair. And neither did I shave my head for some feminist cause or to make any sort of statement. I did it simply because I felt like it. The reason is honestly just as plain as that. In fact, the simplicity of it makes the reason even more significant for me.

It all started with me trying to convince my parents to allow me to do it. And I swear to god, the process is soo much more draining than just the simple idea of shaving your head. The initial response from everyone was “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F--KING MIND?”, followed by some wiser words like “What if you regret it?” or “Are you alright/sure?”

I had to go through hours of feedback where nearly everyone I talked to tried to convince me out of the idea. My parents gave me a million words of wisdom, morale and persuasion. On the other hand, while some of my friends admired me for my “confidence” and “grit”, others didn’t even believe I would actually do it. In fact, one of my friends was even willing to bet his own hair, saying he too would shave his head if I did. He clearly lost that one haha!

The day I shaved my head, I watched my mother nearly tear up. When I asked her what the matter was, she said she’s scared of all the pressure and negative attention I would have to deal with from the general public. And I honestly don’t understand this. I don’t even understand why it is considered “daring” or “admirable” for a girl to shave her head. It simply doesn’t make sense. This is my head and my hair, and all I did was get rid of something that would soon grow back before I even know it. Even my school got concerned about this. My parents were invited to a meeting with the principal and I was “adviced” to wear a cap or even a wig back to school. I honestly did not expect this kind of reaction from everyone simply for shaving my head.

I appreciate everyone for the support and love they have given me for doing something that is “out of the norm”. But I don’t think a girl shaving her head should be given this much attention?

What part of society decided that it isn’t normal for a girl to shave her head? What is normal anyways? There is no RIGHT or WRONG in art. Art is subjective. Art is perceptive. And art is in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe me shaving my head means I'm confident, maybe I’m daring, maybe I’m trying to make a statement or maybe I'm just a 17-year-old kid who doesn’t know any better. But that is all in your perception. Not mine. In my eyes, I did this for myself and only for myself. I am art. And shaving my head is what I felt like was right for me to do and experience in order to grow as a person and an artist. My shaved head is an extension of who I really am inside.

Instagram: @colorsofhk


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